The Cambridge Fire Department and the Cambridge Professional Fire Fighters’ Association have kindly allowed us the use of vintage fire trucks, some of which may be seen at the museum.
1838 Bickle-Seagrave pumper Since it entered service in July 1938, this truck served at the Dickson Street fire hall and holds a special place of honour in the museum, as it sits in the same spot it occupied when the station was operating. It's first crew said "it rides like a million dollars." While it could carry 80 imperial gallons of water, along with 1,200 feet of hose, it could pump 600 imperial gallons of water per minute; its six cylinder engine could produce 130 hp and reach speeds of 50 mph. It carried as many as eight firefighters.
1951 Bickle-Seagrave pumper This vintage pumper served for many years with the Preston Fire Department. It replaced the department's original 1928 Bickle pumper and was purchased by the Town for the considerable sum of $19,850. When it was finally put out to pasture it was purchased and restored by the Cambridge Professional Fire Fighters Association. It's still in running condition and is regularly used in parades, special events and is a regular visitor at the museum.